當前研究計畫 Current Research Project

STM/AFM 掃描式穿隧顯微鏡/原子力顯微鏡

黑磷:研究其表面結構、應力和能隙的關係、氧化對其電子結構之影響。 石墨烯:研究懸浮石墨烯之材料微觀順應性;以azomethane為氮源,研究單點參雜之石墨烯之電子結構(臺法合作計畫)。

Microscopy and spectroscopy of functionalized 2D materials
Black phosphor: study its surface structure, strain vs. band gap, and interaction with oxygen.
Graphene: study the microscopic compliance property of suspended graphene, study one-pot synthesis of nitrogen doped graphene with azomethane (Taiwan-France collaboration project) 

2D TiSe2: 電子密度波和TiSe2中材料缺陷的關係。
1D NbS3: 電子密度波和NbS3中材料缺陷的關係。(臺俄合作計畫)
1D TaS3: 電子密度波和晶格的耦合現像。

Charge density wave in low-dimensional materials
2D TiSe2: defect structures of TiSe2 and its relation to charge density wave.
1D NbS3: defect and structure of NbS3 and its relation to charge density wave (Taiwan-Russia collaboration project).
1D TaS3: CDW and lattice coupling.

CVD 化學氣相沉積實驗


Synthesis of high-quality of graphene by seeding at low temperature (down to 300 C).
Study of methane activation vs. graphene structure.
Effects of biphenyl and naphthalene on graphene CVD.

RFSTM 射頻掃描式穿隧顯微鏡


Construction and optimization of a patented radio-frequency reflectometry scanning tunneling microscope (including its electronics)
Experiments (planned): RFSTM with in-situ X-ray (synchrotron): to get atomic chemical resolution RFSTM with electron beam: to study in-situ electron beam induced surface change.

論文名稱:Optimal Electron Doping of a C60 Monolayer on Cu(111) via Interface Reconstruction 論文作者:Woei Wu Pai, H. T. Jeng, C.-M. Cheng, C.-H. Lin, Xudong Xiao, Aidi Zhao, Xieqiu Zhang, Geng Xu, X. Q. Shi, M. A. Van Hove, C.-S. Hsue, and K.-D. Tsuei 刊載期刊:Physical Review Letters , vo. 104, p.036103 ( 2010 ) 計畫編號:NSC98-2112-M-002-013-MY3 參考:http://www.physics.org.tw/view.php?id=33